Friday, July 08, 2005

Techdirt:Approaching Maximum Freud? Or Just Channelling Schumpeter?

Techdirt:Approaching Maximum Freud? Or Just Channelling Schumpeter?: "Approaching Maximum Freud? Or Just Channelling Schumpeter?
Predictions Contributed by Mike on Friday, July 8th, 2005 @ 09:14AM
from the this-sounds-mighty-familiar dept.
Magnavox writes 'Interesting Rocky Mountain News article about when a technology reaches the end of its product life cycle it approaches a period of 'Maximum Freud.' Yes, it's a wacky name, but it makes sense. As technologies approach Maximum Freud, this is the period when industry players have to spend lots of time on the Freudian Couch to understand what's going on. This is a period of extreme chaos and also a period of extreme opportunity. But here's the most important part: All technologies end. Every technology that we use today will someday go away, and it will be replaced by something else. Every technology will approach its own period of Maximum Freud. So from the standpoint of making bold predictions, the imminent demise of many of our technologies is a certainty. The article includes a just a few examples of technologies that are currently approaching Maximum Freud.' Hmm. This doesn't sound all that insightful, really. In many ways it's just repeating Schumpeter's theory of creative destruction with a silly name. Ah, written by a 'think thank futurist.' That explains it. Did anyone not think that certain technologies eventually die off thanks to innovation?"


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