Tuesday, August 23, 2005


business2blog: "B2.0's $50M Giveaway

Cashstack_1The cover story for B2.0's September issue is a bit of a challenge to entrepreneurs everywhere. Senior Writer Michael Copeland got 11 venture capitaliists to cough up business ideas that they would be willing to write a check for today if they could just find the right team and the right fully fleshed-out business plans. If you think you've got what it takes, e-mail the VCs at the end of each idea description. (For my money—not that I'm giving any away—the most solid ideas are Nos. 1,3, 4, and 10).

The ideas are:

1. Anti-Fraud Credit Card Authorization Via Cell Phones
2. On-Demand Bank Software for Back-Office Operations
3. Product Recommendation Engine That Actually Works
4. Simplified Subscription PCs for Seniors
5. Smart Card Wallets for Cell Phones
6. Open-Source Software for Corporate IT Services
7. Neighborhood Wikis/Swap Meet
8. VoIP Customer Service Software
9. Universal Platform for Mobile Software
10. Wireless Home Patient Monitoring
11. Convergence Software to Link All the Digital Devices in Your Home

So what are you waiting for?"


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